Thursday, June 11, 2009



tgk baby kechik2 dh sakit..

kanak2 kurus2..kwasiorkor, marasmus..xde gizi

perut besar2... asites, hepatomegali, splenomegali.. (i palpated this kid, 8yrs old wif Shuffner 8) !!!! Cronic Myeloid Leukemia - CML -

baby wif Willms Tumor (malignant tumor at kidney)

byk kanak2 leukemia .. when i saw him.. he reminds me of my late cousin..died bcs of leukemia when he was small.. Al-Fatihah-(i was around 5-7yrs old..cant really remember. i just asked my dad why his tummy so big? my dad said .."sbb tu jgn mkn meggi n keropok2..nnt prot besar" trus i takut nk mkn junk food.

kids in coma - ICU

kids in quaranteen -takut infectious such as Diphteri..
kanak2 wif TB meningitis, brochopneumoni, brokhitis, bronchiolitis, asthma
premature baby dlm ventilator (kechik gell)

kanak2 wif heart congenital -ventricle septum deviasi -VSD
a small cute baby wif brain tumor..that tu sesak tachypneu

7yrs old wif kesedaran menurun coz of bone exposure-open fracture on his femur.. -ve for meiosis - eyes refec... his dad told me..story to me..n suara dh sebak.. (i rasa nk tahan je)

DHF grade 3 ..hepatomegali..syok..cyanosis..-emergency-

p/s: i rasa i xleh jd Paediatric.. sbb i xleh tahan tgk kanak2 kechik2 lgk dh sakit..sian tgk.. doakan all of d patients sembuh, kuat semangat, makan byk2 yg bergizi.. amin ~

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