i watched a debate in 1 of TV programme last week..
it was about should d RI-Rebuclic of Indonesia stop sending the TKI-Tenaga Kerja Indonesia to work abroad esp in Malaysia, my lovely country.
gov and opponent teams boths r indonesians...fr the association of TKI workers, uni students,officers who work for immgiration n others
mostly the opponent gv d point of human mental n physical abuse, didnt get the payment n bla2.. they gv d idea of d gov should open more job chances for their people so like they wont work outside of their country..
the gov didnt agree wif that coz the prob was the illegal TKI who didnt gv any information about their status and where they r which was d main prob. they didnt hv any legal document. so, if they stop sending ppl to work outside, it wont really success coz TKI will enter d foreign country by others way. this prog was done bfr but they concluded that it didnt success at all
mostly, TKI who work at industrial factors or as labor wont create much prob coz they work in open place rather then maid .. (maid kan kt personal house)
the gov said that, the countries such as Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and others agree that if any of the local ppl (employers) who treat their workers against d law will get punishment -police case and court case-. besides that, they said they want the hormony of relationship btwn 2 countries.
when i read today's news..
"Majikan Siti Hajar, Hau Yuan Tyng, seorang ibu tunggal telah dihadapkan di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur. tiga pertuduhan menyebabkan kecederaan parah terhadap pembantu rumahnya yang berasal dari Garut, Jawa Barat itu. "
it means that, my country didnt jst "lepas tangan" about this case. any1 who break d laws should pay for it. Malaysia also suggest that maid wif religion Islam work wif employer who is Islam too.
in Malaysia, there r 320,000 legal maids mostly fr Indonesia, Filipina, Vietnam, Kemboja, Sri Lanka and Thailand n small number fr China.(baru maid belum lagek buruh or pekerja kt ladang2 or kilang)-i'm talking about maids only. from that amount of maids 270,000 are maids fr Indonesia..
but the most problem is average 150,000 maids r illegal maids who "loves to work in my country" syuhhhh syuhhhh... menyemak la...
in conclusion, dont get any misunderstanding or wrong information about my country. i read and watch lots of blogs, FB, infotainment, medias where most of Indonesians didnt satisfied wif Malaysians.demonstrations-burn my Jalur Gemilang. we r neighbours and islamic countries..dont make the Western clap their hands coz we fail to united as Eastern and Islamic countries. we can seat down and discuss nicely as professional. can u just imagine we will be like South Korea and North Korea? or India and Parkistan? or Tibet and China? think it twice (or thounsand times) wif logically and the consequences...but not wif emotional.
Traditional kebaya
11 years ago
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