y do people jugde the other people wif 1st impression without they knowing exactly who is that person in reality..
MisZGueSS: ieeuww.. dier buruk hell.. he's not my taste.. mati la i if i kuar dating ngn dier... abes jatuh saham i.. (dgn gaya gedix2 paRis HiLtON)
~ dorghh.. tau tgk muke ensem mcm Edward Cullen je baru leh jd partner la? if buruk muke pecah tembok?campak longkang?
MRBuSHy: pehwiiitt..awek tu cun gell..hot mini skirt..jln catwalk!
~ oo..if org yg pkai tudung labuh how? xcun ke?solehah lgk tu leh jd good wife
MisZLoLLyPoP: shit..gemok gell mamat tu.. mmg reject !pandang sebelah mata pun xlarat
~ u jst knw about his fatty,lipid n TG (triglycerol).. but what about his hepar(heart)?
CeKgUKeaManAn: alaaa..bdk tu..dier mmg bodoh pun since darjah 1 xreti baca ABC
~ mmg la xreti..so aja la dier..skrng stupid..jgn terkejut 1day dier leh jd angkasawan pegi Planet Pluto 2020 nnt..br nk bersujud mengaku anak murid?
MiZzGuCCi: eh, cik EsPrit tu mmg xder fashion sense la.. cube tgk style dressup dier ngn combination colors dier.. pening gell ..mcm tongkang pecah
~ dier nk pkai aper2 pun suke hati dier la..if kaya sgt..blanje la dier 1dress..ala asal cik esprit ttp aurat sudah
GoSSipBoyZ: ala...aku tengok BunGe TaIK Ayam tu dh xvirgin la..aku tau..
~ chewah,, telephaty power nih..biarla dier ngn urusan Allah akhirat nnt..kiter nih jage jela diri baek2..
JiRaNkEcOH: anak sebelah tu liar btol.naik moto ngn mamat rempit ..bohsia btol..
~ jagala anak sendiri dl sblm nk judge anak org lain..ntah2 anak snd xtercontrol
TuaNinTervIeW: sye tgk muke awk pun, sye loya..awk nih dhla xberbakat..xder style..ckp pun terbelit2..
~hrmpp.. interviewla btol2 nyerk..bkn academic 4flat je priority..others attitude n bakat too..
SiKaYaRAYa: si MisKin tu dhla dasar miskin..ader hati lagek tu nk bershopping kt Tunjungan Plaza..mne layak dier..eh mane agak2 dier dpt duet tu? suap nih..no ekor ke
~masyaAllah..jgn tuduh menuduh..dier dpt bonus kot..biarla if duet haram..tanggung snd..if duet halal..alhamdulilah
AnAkBerJaYa: btol ke wei Anak Xberjaya tu dpt 4flat? dier bodek lecturer leh la kot
~ala..blaja jela..jgn kesah dier dpt bpe flat pun..dh dier pandai.beat la
so y do ppl suke memandang kejayaan some1 if -ve sides...jelous? xpuas hati? sakit hati? if org senang..org sekeliling rsa xpuas hati..if kiter jatuh..org lain gelak..
tu la sebenarnyeh human.. sng dihasut setan..so we just be ourself.. jaga la mulut n akhlak..b nice person n dont judge others without we exactly knw who d hell he/she is.. b cool..b nice to all :)
Traditional kebaya
11 years ago
all of that attitudes..that's just human. hehe.funny la tpi. miss u fren stinky!
fren i mish ya~! bile nk blk msia niii..
nway,i loike this post...it's sooo true!!
usually my 1st impression towards other people was 80% wrong..
fren to cikin lang..
tu la manusia..
nk blk msia!!! stresssss UAS!! kidnapp meeee plzzz
fren to nad..
ahhhaaa.. 80% wrong?? u mmg xleh jadi mama lauran !!!!!
hahahaa...wrong diagnose...
ye... sll kiter nampak org jahat tu laa sbnr nyeh baik......hehe like me ....lalalalalal
nk blk laa nih!! 2nd feb !!! plzz lulus yudisium ! amin
nad pon cuak gak ni..result lepas tapi takot klau subprob ade wat kesalahan ke pape..ishk2..
ktrg dh dpt date judisium between 23-27 feb
take care~~
bestnyeh dh tau tarikh yudisium !!!
kiteorang maybe early march ! nk blk msia next week !! xsbr !!
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