lovely parents
1 happy family
happy birthday abah,
selamat ulang tahun ayah ku tersayang..
i know that he wont read my blog (unless along or cicak nk showkn to him)
Zainudin Hj Othman, he was born in Langgaq, Alor Star, Kedah on 11 Sept 1955 (11 sept tuhhh..)
graduated fr UKM degree in sc politic.. married wif hjh Norihan bt Jaafar when he worked as ADO-ast district officer at Grik ( mama was d beautiful gurl in her village that time.. yeah till now u r still beautiful mama.. ) since my mom hv Siamese royal blood while dad's side Chinese+Java (sebab tu anak2 ensem,cantik n rajen2.. hiks)
so rite now my dad already 53 yrs old... working at Penjara Tapah as director in that department ..bfr my dad retired.. InsyaAllah .. i'm already a doctor,,adik chik already a lawyer, along as successful businessman or offshore huh? abah gonna proud of me..hving me as ur little princess.. i wont make u cry because of my failure.. but bcz of my successful achievement..since mama and abah hd taught me lots about life.. hd take care n grows along, adik chik and me till we bcm good children... we love u dad ...mama..
dedicated this~
u always there for us..
when i need a father's love
u always lead us to the right pathway of life,
u r d leader of d family,
u read azan at our ears as once we open eyes to know this world,
u teach us how to stand up wif our own feet,
u protect us and give us a warm shelter,
u wont let a bug bites us when we're sleeping..
nothing much we as ur children can pay back those kindness,
money doesnt means anything,
nothing can describe how we love u..
even as high as mountain..
as flow as Nil river..
we as ur children,
along, adik intan and adik chik..
always pray for ur healthy,
pray that u always happy in your life just like d first time u dated wif mama,
thanks for being a good listener for us,
thanks for d money that u hd gv us luxurious,
thanks for always gv ur shoulder when we're crying,
thanks for being d coolest, greatest, and understanding father for us
thanks for ur support and ur workhard to tc of mama!
no1 can replace u as our father!
ala so sweeeeeeeeettttt...
happy birthday ayah fren =)
bagus gak nyerk duk overc..jauh fr mcm jadi anak yg baek kt parents... like everytime blk msia ...jumpe parents.. ckp pn sopan n teratur... dlm phone stock2 word "bye ma,, abah.. i love u" hahaha...
xsangke daku mcm tu...
sweet daughter,,
daju' pn manja2 gk ngn parents!!! fren tau !! muahhsss..... kiss daju'hug dier~
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