time english class, pre-medic kt bandung dl..teringat time public speaking about my topic ~ crush
crush ..meaning jst minat or admire wif someone.. even he/she doesnt knw about it.. (kire mcm everytime he/she lalu dpn kite...or bertembung ke...eyes to eyes ke. we'll rasa excited yg teramat sgt) .. rasa mcm jantung berdebar2 (bkn arithmia ok.. tachycardi plak kang)
when u feel on crush wif some1, it will increase our adrenaline, so itz good for our health bcz ader kajian said it will bcm awet muda for us.. besides, we'll bcm fresh, spirit, smile all d way back home (heheh..mcm org gile plak)..
compare to couple, crush doesnt need any pengorbanan jiwa n raga (meaning no tear drops of blood) .. hiks... more important in crush there's no CLASH/BrEAk OFF/BuRn or what eva la...so mcm happy2 je kn.. no complicated, no worries, studies gempaq je ,,,lgpn no maksiat (xdela merepek2..)
conclusion..bykkn la laa crush on people.. hahaha.. (sbb sye suke this boy tp suke jela..ahahhaahah..)
Traditional kebaya
11 years ago
hahaha..aku taw!!!
loot dh gosip..
*keep on crushin n rockin gals..ahaks
kwn2 aku smue gediks2..hahaha~
aper loot duk bergosip ?? cinabeng.. hahahaha..ala nih sje2 je tules..xder pn on crush ngn spe2 pn... ahahahahaha...
haaa....sape fren???kepoh2! =p
xder la..
nad nih sme mcm loot..trus duk ym tnye spe.. lallalalal... loot ckp bdk jogja..
alah memaen je tu..sje gedix2..bwt kepoh sket
eleyh fren..aku tau die kn hahaa xpe dtg jogja nnt jmpe die!!aku bwk ko g lepak kost dieee..aku g la lepak bilik org laen hahahaa
loooooooooottttttttttttttttttt............ shuuutttttttttttt..
u ske spe??
waaa....kne bergosip2 lagi nih! nmpknye i kurang updated ngan u! hehehehe..
cyikin !! tutup mata n telinga....
alaa sje2 kecohhh....gedik2...
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