ooohh no... i hate this title.... (sorry i'm not included ..surrender cpt2) .... actually what is d
definition of skem??? i think it based on each person nyeh definition laa rite ...
arghhh.... issue nih released when my frenz who's not doing med laa obviously in UK tibe2 je serang
me wif ques that itz hard for me defends myself..he said i miss something in my life?? yeahhh
oh noo..... beron n feena ( my lovely siblings) said that WoRdS to me gak !! gegaye
they really gile2.. yet saye je kene buli... hahhaa... loot, izni, phya gelakkn aku
gegaye blaja ngn qistina time overnite kt apartment izni..shit..hahahahah...
am i skem med student??? am i ??? aaarghhh night mare... i guess i am not.. alaa doesnt mean
xnak jadi skem kene pakai sexy2...g niteclub.. drinks..smokes,.. rite?? lots more fr da +ve sides
we can show ourself ... yeahhhhh !! idop bdk med... ahhahhaha hapusankn skema anda~ dorghh
fren tak skema la
fren rock gler! yeaaahhh!!
yeahh.. sye sehat2 saje..mane dee syndrome skem2 nih.. rock gell.. ahahha
bdk medic mmg skemaa!!!! hahahaha...especially nad..
nad the nerdy bookworm!
hahaha... pic BOSS!!! pink n blue! hahha... nad g tempe pyt pn bwk notes!
x sume budak medic skema kan hahahaha
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