Friday, June 27, 2008





When i was's frenz gv us 2 lil cute kittens... so mama named them ROnALDO (bcs he can play ball like real Ronaldo)... and AmOi (he's a boy) .. their age around 7yrs old..their food ~ sciences diet.. kuceng parsi gangster coz mane2 kucing lalu area umah..sume berkelahi.. thatz my boys!! mom's fav pets.. jarang gell mandi kn coz suke cakar2.. hehhe toxoplasma gondii, mites-ordo Acarina (parasite mostly in cats that can infected human) 2 of them already hv kucing putih!!

Along also hv a bro named her KAKA .. ahhaha.. but itz really suit wif her..yet she's smart..she knws when we call her.She climbs on d car's roof every time my bro comes bck home.she gets into the car and check either there's drug (chewah mcm anjing police) ahahha.. kaka already has a bf..stray parsians..kaka nih gangster yg comel n berbulu lebat..wif d other cats area umah usj11 dier nk ajak bertumbuk.. (along aja nih)


nadhirah mohd shakri said...

eiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~..geram nye tgk diorg ni..fren,nk g umah fren kt mesia la cmni =)
klaka gler kaka x pdn ng gurl,ske gado2..hehe..

ApeeN said...

hikss... gangster...kaka tuh.. tp dier senyap xbyk along suke lambong die tinggi2 ...till dier bermeow2 mintak help laa kot..hahaha