Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Tak sangke, cepat btol masa berlalu. Dah 1bulan dh so bye2 to Forensic, hello to Ophtalmology (blaja psl mata)

Bestla Forensic, santai duk main card, chess, melepak kt canteen forensic yg murah tapi agak "bersih". Tapi plg best is doctors2 Forensic sume cool2 n best2..including Staff specialist. Head Department, Dr. Agus mmg sporting habis, dhla kelakar and byk je cite. PPDS dr.Nyoman, dr. Bambang, dr. Eddy, dr. Nilie (btol nk eje?) n lain2 sume sporting n cool. Thanks to Dr. Nurjahyo as our dosen pebimbing for refrat. Exam autopsy ok je ngn dr.Eddy :) and exam medikolegal ngn Prof Sudjari .. fuh fuh.. *nafas lege even ade je xleh jawab.. tp Prof baikla*

Dulu, time saya 2nd year, pernah je ikut group 3rd yr medical students Uitm. *coz Add is my oldfrenz in TKC*. So, joined dieorang kt Forensic HKL. Mmg different laa fr Msia-Indon from my point of view. Kt Msia, mmg diakui theory dieroang mmg mantap la lebih2 lgk they r using full english terms. But ader kekurangan jgk compared to Indonesia. Coz time kt Forensic, kebetulan tgk Autopsy/Post-mortem lelaki Myanmar kene luka tembak (police tembak laa ). Mmg A-Z specialist saje yg bwt with his assistant. Students just tgk kt atas (mcm ader stage for tgk procedure of autopsy. Just time tu Dr baik sgt, dier kater xdpt ilmu if just stkt tengok dari atas stage, so better turun bawah n tgk snd or pegang. Kami pn turunla. Mmg facilities kt Msia mmg canggih n complete la. Even pakaian for Post-mortem pun mmg pakaian khusus. Dr explained to us cara2, how he died, kesan luka tembak tu kene kt mana, emboli artery, and bla2. He also showed to us X-ray and visum from police to do Post-mortem. Dr suruhla kami touched the brain. And i was the one who berani to touch it in the 1st place. *Mcm aneh kenapa bdk2 lain xsentuh and takut2 sampai Dr suruh*. Then baru teringat yg kt Msia dieroang mmg xde belah mayat snd during Anatomy dl (i'm not sure if USM or other uni how) coz they used organ2 yg dh siap dibelah and dah dlm balang formalin utk belajar Anatomy. Compared to us, during 1st year dl, Anatomy practicum dlm 1 group (bape tah.. 12 students ke? xingatla) dapat 1 cadaver yg masih utuh *complete body*. So mmg kami sendiri yg dissect cadaver to from superficial sampaila ke nerves, artery,vein, organs, muscles,tendon, bones, brains and others :) tapi ader Doctors as guidance before nak bwt sume nih la *sebab students leh je tersilap potong kan..or xdapat carik esp mcm vasa and nerves*

Compared to Forensic here, procedure autopsy/post-mortem sume mmg students yg bwt. Starting from PL-pemeriksaan luar jenazah till PD-pemeriksaan dalam jenazah (or autopsy). Of course mmg ader PPDS yg jaga, tapi mmg kami students yg bwt sume. Usually dlm 2groups around 10-12students. Sebab minimum students atleast dah pernah bwt 2x autopsy. So, starting from belah badan bentuk "Y" or "I", gergaji scr manual nak bukak tengkorak for nak check brains (kat Msia canggih coz they r using electric saw), potong and keluarkan organ, check kelainan, timbang berat organ, ambek photo *credit to my sony cybershot as camera autopsy*, catat dlm Visum, all everything Dokter Muda yg bwt. PPDS check2 mane2 yg salah, or tgk kelainan pd organ or betulkan ayat2 kami yg salah dlm laporan Jenazah. Maybe dari segi practical, i'm giving stars to Indonesia compared to Msia. Tapi yg kelakarnyeh, pakaian autopsy kami sume hand-made ! ahahha. *mcm pokok bergerak dlm baja* rain coat, plastik beg for cover up our shoes. :) :) ok nih dari segi budjet mmg Hospital xsediakan for students, so kami snd yg kene beli on our own. Selamat ader duit JPA ..tq government !

Sekarang dh habis dh Forensic. Tapi time group saya jaga, byk dapat cases yg menarik utk belajar.
#Jenazah meninggal coz accident ader laa kot dlm 2-3x,
# case lelaki Mesir meninggal coz Bird Flu,
#rekontruksi tulang2 yg dijumpai kt hutan tahun 2009 *lelaki, diduga kena luka bacok and luka tajam and kne bakar. Tengkorak pecah, patah tulang2, retak, ade kesan luka bacok and luka tajam kt tulang2. Drg. Wieke pun dtg identified gigi coz hanya tinggal tulang je kan..and ukur sume tulang2, nak tau usia si korban*
#case mati lemas dlm sungai.. bengkak sume..
#case pembunuhan. Mati luka tajam and luka tumpul kt kepala, leher, dada, perut, and extrimetas.Usus terburai time baru sampai kt kami. Kesimpulan, mati perdarahan dan kerosakn organ2 vital dan ditambah bengkak otak (oedem otak) coz jantung,paru, hati, perut, usus sume ader luka tajam. mmg ngeri la.. *pembunuh tu dh dapat tangkap dah*
#ade case abortion criminalis so baby tu dh mati si ibu yg kejam tgl dlm kotak dgn plastik hitam. kecikkkkk sgt fetus tu..coz baru 5bln. comel je. bwtla test paru apung. tapi -ve (meaning mmg xpernah bernafas lgk)
#pernah ikut g CSI - Crime Scene Investigation or snih pgl TKP. ade nenek mati dlm kedai makan dier. so Dr dipanggil for pastikan mangsa sudah mati or masih hidup, cari penyebab kematian, cara kematian, and kumpulkan bahan2 bukti. After habis TKP, PPDS trus g lunch, maybe PPDS dh biasa and lali dgn forensic ni so masih lgk bernafsu nak makan :P

Ok, paling jahat sekali, Apan pernah terkejutkan saye dlm ruang Autopsy sampai saye menjerit mcm org gila. Till bapak yg jaga forensic tu kaget n lari nak selamatkan saye. *Thila ingatkan sye kne rasuk* .. bukan kene rasuk.. tapi Apan nih mmg nakal la !! selamat xpengsan !

Pernah jgk time 2nd autopsy, jenazah dh mulai membusuk (manusia start membusuk >18-24 jam and plg cepat membusuk are brain, cecum -usus, uterus post partus) time tu sayer termuntah ngn horror nyeh coz bwt kat abdomen esp usus. Tapi steady je, after lap2 mulut and rasa xpening dah, sambung balik bwt kerja. ahakz.. kne la kuatkan semangat..

Ape2 pun, kita sedekahkan Al-fatihah kepada jenazah2 kt Forensic yg dah meninggal dunia (mostly Islam coz Indonesia penduduk ramai Islam). Al-fatihah jgk kepada kaum keluarga kita yg dh meniggal dunia. Moga roh2 mereka diampukan dosa dan ditempatkan bersama2 org yg beriman.

Friday, April 16, 2010

SRoLL n RoBes ~

Alhamdulillah, on 7th-12th my parents came to visit me for convocation occasion.
Wisuda on 10th April. Selamat atas Sarjana Kedokteran.
The day when i make my parents, family, lecturers and friends proud of me :)
Tq Allah for giving us chance to breath in this world being successful person
Tq parents for ur support, loves and sharing
Tq Doctors for ur ilmu and kebaikan

InsyaAllah..moga2 Dokter Muda dapat dilalui dengan tabah, sempurna, tidak main2, lulus semua ujian dan tidak melakukan kesalahan2 displin. Moga kami lulus on time.. insyaAllah Sept 2011 :) kemudian berbakti ke negara asal kami kembali.. aminnnnnnnnnnnnnn ~

Sunday, April 4, 2010

HappY biRtHdaY to Me :)

I love those pictures ... Anyway thanks to Nad, Acap, Arina, Auliya, Pika & Amar.. sweet sgt korang.. sedap brfdy cake tu ! xtau pn they nk bwt comel la acap dtg bwk cake! haha... after makan2 we g support Infuse Band (Yasmin, Adam, Aki, Faried n bdk Indo lain xknal) ..performed kat Speedy belakang TP. yeahhh Min rockkkk !!!

Thanks to mama when she faced between death and life just to labor me on 29th March 1986. Thanks mama & abah for ur commitment, loves, caring, n responsible parents to raise 3 of us with tears & joyful. Along celebrate birthday same date & month with me too on 29th March 84 while Chik on 14th March 87. When we were small, every year we celebrated our birthday together having some party at home (tq mama dh melayan kerenah kami..tq maksu, makteh n sume2 auntie2 & uncle2 kesayangan kami)

Tq mama.. tq abah...

Hoping that we can reward u with golds, jewelery, luxurious cars and big house. But those things are not as high as ur loves towards ur children.

May Allah bless our family. Only Allah knows ur kindness and both of u had done such a good model as parents to color our life. Just like people said that children are white, pure and plain , their parents who the one decided to create their life in future besides attitude, moral, religious and others.

We know that mama n abah proud of us. Seeing us growing as adult, mature, being a Muslim n Muslimah towards Islam, never put the important ones behind and with bright future (InsyaAllah). Along as accountant, me as future doctor & Adeq Chik as future lawyer. We still need ur prayers and bless to become successful persons in future and of course we need both of u where ever and when ever we are.

Thanks En. Zainudin Hj Othaman and Pn Norihan Jaafar. We always pray for ur health,murah rezeki, panjang umur, may Allah forgive ur sins, may both of u always hear the good news from ur children, tears on ur cheeks because of our high achievement but not on our failure.

We love both of u !!

-Along, Intan & Adik Chik :)